D&D Plant and Flower Puzzle

The Puzzle: In a shadowy part of a cave sits a rare magical flowering plant. It is rumoured that the flower of this plant has special properties. What those are is up to the DM. The roots of the plant are attached to the rock beneath and trying to move the fragile plant will surely … Read more

The D&D Illusion Puzzle Trap

The Puzzle: This illusion puzzle takes effect when players enter a magical portal that teleports them to another place. The portal works perfectly well, but it also changes the appearance of each character into a humanoid monster they were fighting recently, like a goblin. So to each player it looks like they were just teleported … Read more

D&D Arrow & Path Puzzles: A Dark Puzzle Challenge

The Puzzle: This is a nice puzzle for D&D parties who rely too heavily on darkvision. Players enter a classic underground D&D labyrinth. Luckily, someone has been kind enough to draw arrows on the walls to help guide through weary travellers. The first three arrows point the way correctly, but at the fourth intersection there … Read more

The Darkvision & Medusa D&D Puzzle Trap

The Puzzle: When players enter this room the DM describes how there is no light source. The room is utterly dark. A lot of players will interrupt the Dungeon Master to annoyingly report that their character has darkvision. And if you’re playing 5e edition Dungeons and Dragons – most characters do. Having darkvision is normally … Read more

The D&D Conjuration Summoning Puzzle

The Puzzle: For a conjuration summoning D&D puzzle you would expect the puzzle to have conjuration magic. But that’s not the case with this puzzle. It’s a simple mechanical puzzle that does require the players to use conjuration magic by summoning creatures. In a great hall players find a mural of a collection of creatures … Read more

D&D Necromancy and Lich Puzzle: The Death Trap

The Puzzle: Deep within a Lich’s lair players find two mummified hands with ten fingers reaching for the sky. Eight fingers bear magical rings radiating strong necromantic power. The rings have different colors. Players can only move one ring from one finger to another at a time. It’s impossible to wear the ring and if … Read more