D&D Plant and Flower Puzzle

  • Type: Investigation Puzzle
  • Location: Cave
  • Difficulty: Easy

The Puzzle:

In a shadowy part of a cave sits a rare magical flowering plant. It is rumoured that the flower of this plant has special properties. What those are is up to the DM. The roots of the plant are attached to the rock beneath and trying to move the fragile plant will surely destroy it. How will the players make the plant bear flowers?

Puzzle solution:

A skill check will reveal this plant lacks both water and sunlight. How players will provide these is up to them. A daylight and create water spell will do the trick. But poor souls that go without magic can also use mirrors to redirect a beam of sunlight that shines down elsewhere in the cave. And water can be carried to the plant.

If the plant receives a minute of sunlight and a litre of water, it bears flowers.

Puzzle clues:

You can describe a beam of sunlight, mirrors, and a stream of water prior to entering the part of the cave where the plant is located.

They might encounter a note on magical plants in an earlier D&D session. That should give them all the clues they need to solve the puzzle.