The D&D Illusion Puzzle Trap

  • Type: Puzzle Trap
  • Location: Portal
  • Difficulty: Easy

The Puzzle:

This illusion puzzle takes effect when players enter a magical portal that teleports them to another place. The portal works perfectly well, but it also changes the appearance of each character into a humanoid monster they were fighting recently, like a goblin. So to each player it looks like they were just teleported to a room full of enemies.

To make matters worse, the new location is right next to a waterfall which is making so much noise nobody can understand each other. Will the PCs start attacking each other, or will they figure out the illusion puzzle?

Puzzle solution:

If one players takes an action – like attack a creature (who is actually another PC) – the Dungeon Master lets it play out and asks to roll for attack and damage as usual. Then, the DM describes a monster attacking the other PC.

A successful disbelief ends the spell. The waterfall also dispels all illusions. And taking a vial of water with you is the treasure in this puzzle.

Puzzle clues:

Players will soon notice the pattern that their own actions are being mimicked by the monsters. And from there it is a small step to discovering they are actually fighting their friends.