D&D Arrow & Path Puzzles: A Dark Puzzle Challenge

  • Type: Maze puzzle
  • Location: Underground maze
  • Difficulty: Easy

The Puzzle:

This is a nice puzzle for D&D parties who rely too heavily on darkvision.

Players enter a classic underground D&D labyrinth. Luckily, someone has been kind enough to draw arrows on the walls to help guide through weary travellers. The first three arrows point the way correctly, but at the fourth intersection there are 2 arrows each pointing in a different direction. Which direction should the PCs follow?

Puzzle solution:

Most races in D&D have darkvision. So a lot of parties won’t even bother to use a light source. While darkvision is very useful, PCs can’t discern colors without an additional light source. They can only see shades of gray.

The arrows have different colors. All arrows pointing the wrong way are red, while the correct path is indicated by green arrows.

If players haven’t learned their lesson about darkvision, you can always you the darkvision medusa puzzle.

Puzzle clues:

When describing the arrows, leave out the fact that they have different colors. If players investigate, only mention the colors if there is a light source within 30 ft.