D&D Sphinx Puzzle: A Future Riddle

  • Type: Puzzle riddle
  • Location: a lair
  • Difficulty: Medium


The party comes across a sphinx during their travels. The creature is sitting an the other side of a wall of force which blocks their path and communicates telepathically. It says if will lift the wall of force if players solve a riddle.

The Puzzle:

As the party approaches, the sphinx challenges them and demand to know their business.

If the party tells the sphinx that they are wish to passt the sphinx laughs and tells the party that they will never be able to enter the continue without solving the riddle.

“What is always in front of you but can’t be seen? I am always ahead, never behind. I hold the keys to what will be, But even the wisest of sages cannot see all that I have in store for thee. I am constantly changing, yet always the same. What am I?” The sphinx asks.

The party has three chances to correctly solve the puzzle.


The answer to the puzzle is “the future.” If the party correctly guesses the answer, the sphinx will allow them to pass. If the party fails the wall of force stays in place.