D&D Puzzles: The Bridge of Magic

  • Type: Terrain puzzle
  • Location: across a wide chasm
  • Difficulty: Easy


The party comes across a long, narrow bridge in the middle of a deep, dark forest. The bridge is made of ancient, weathered wood and appears to be magical, as it constantly shifts and changes in form and appearance.

As the party approaches the bridge, they notice that it is guarded by a magical guardian, who tells them that they must solve a series of challenges and puzzles in order to cross the bridge. The guardian explains that the bridge is magical to protect the valuable treasure or information hidden at the other end, and that only those who are worthy and clever enough can cross it.

The Puzzle:

As the party sets foot on the bridge, they are immediately confronted with a series of challenges and puzzles. The bridge is constantly shifting and changing, and the party must use their skills, knowledge, and abilities to overcome the obstacles and traps that stand in their way.

For example, the party may encounter gaps in the bridge that they must cross by using their abilities or magic to jump or levitate across. Or they may encounter illusions that they must dispel in order to see the true path ahead.

As the party progresses, they will find clues and tools that will help them solve the next challenges and puzzles on the bridge. They may also need to use their knowledge of magic and skills to overcome the obstacles and traps that stand in their way.


By carefully following the clues and using their skills and abilities, the party can navigate through the challenges and puzzles of the magical bridge and reach the other side, where they will find the valuable treasure or information hidden there.

You can place a combination of other puzzles on this website on the bridge. So it really becomes a placeholder for a series of challenges.