D&D Puzzle: The Treant’s Seasons

  • Type: Logic puzzle
  • Location: In a forest
  • Difficulty: Very easy


The party comes across an ancient, magical tree in the midst of a beautiful forest. The tree speaks to the party, presenting them with a puzzle. The tree explains that the puzzle is a test of the party’s logic and knowledge, and that only those who are truly worthy and clever enough can solve it. If the party succeeds, they will be rewarded with a valuable treasure hidden within the tree.

The Puzzle:

The magical tree presents the party with a 4 by 4 logic grid, filled with 16 squares, each containing a different symbol or image. The symbols and images represent the four seasons: spring, summer, fall, and winter. The party must use their logic and knowledge to figure out which symbols and images belong in which squares, according to the following rules:

  • Each row must contain one symbol or image from each season.
  • Each column must contain one symbol or image from each season.

The party must use their logic and deductive skills to figure out which symbols and images belong in which squares, in order to complete the grid.


To solve the puzzle, the party must use their logic and knowledge of the four seasons to deduce which symbols and images belong in which squares. They will need to pay attention to the rules of the puzzle and use their deductive skills to figure out the correct arrangement.

Once the party has successfully completed the grid, the magical tree will reveal a hidden treasure within its trunk, as a reward for their cleverness.

This is essentially a puzzle for kids.