D&D Puzzle: The Devil’s Deal

  • Type: Moral puzzle
  • Location: a shadowy realm
  • Difficulty: Hard


The party comes across a mysterious figure in a dark, shadowy realm. The figure introduces themselves as a devil, and offers the party a deal: they can have any treasure or information they desire, but in exchange, the party must solve a series of challenges and puzzles set forth by the devil.

The devil explains that the challenges and puzzles are designed to test the party’s wit, courage, and magical abilities, and that only those who are truly worthy and clever enough can claim the reward. Of course, the players will have to sign the devil’s contract if they wish to take the deal.

The Puzzle:

The devil presents the party with a series of challenges and puzzles, each more difficult and treacherous than the last. The party must use their skills, knowledge, and abilities to overcome the obstacles and traps that stand in their way.

For example, the party may need to navigate through a maze of traps and illusions, or solve riddles and puzzles to uncover clues and tools that will help them progress. They may also need to use their knowledge of magic and the properties of different schools of magic to overcome the challenges and puzzles set forth by the devil.

As the party progresses, the devil will introduce a puzzle with a moral dilemma. This could be a puzzle where the party has to sacrifice something or commit an unforgiveable evil act, to complete the puzzle.


By carefully following the clues and using their skills and abilities, the party can solve the devil’s challenges and claim the reward, whether it be a valuable treasure or important information. However, they must be careful, as the devil is known for trickery and deceit, and may try to trick the party into making a deal that is not in their best interests.

If you give them a couple of easy puzzles that they need to work hard at first, not commiting the unforgivable act becomes much harder because t would mean their earlier work didn’t yield a reward. But going the right thing was never easy and is it’s own reward. And maybe an angel will see their restrained and reward them similarly.

You can use any of the many puzzles on this site for the actual puzzle challenges.