D&D Monk Puzzle: Mindful Meditation

  • Type: Ability puzzle
  • Location: A temple
  • Difficulty: Medium


The players are exploring a temple dedicated to the art of mindfulness and meditation. As they make their way through the temple, they come across a series of locked doors, each with a different mindfulness quote etched into the stone above it.

The Puzzle:

As the players try to figure out how to open the doors, they realize that each quote corresponds to a different meditation technique. The players must figure out which meditation technique goes with which door in order to progress through the temple.

The mindfulness quotes that the players see are:

  1. “Be present in the moment.”
  2. “Let go of judgment.”
  3. “Observe your thoughts and feelings without attachment.”
  4. “Find stillness in the midst of chaos.”
  5. “Embrace the present moment, however it is.”


To solve the puzzle, the players must use their knowledge of mindfulness and meditation techniques to match each quote to the corresponding door. They may need to consult with a monk or do some research to figure out the correct associations. Once they have figured out the correct combinations, they can use their meditation skills to unlock the doors and continue on their journey through the temple.

For example, the quote “Be present in the moment” might correspond to a meditation technique called “mindfulness of breath,” while the quote “Find stillness in the midst of chaos” might correspond to a technique called “sitting meditation.” You can also add mindful acrobatic challenges. By using these techniques to unlock the doors, the players can progress through the temple and deepen their understanding of mindfulness.