D&D Orc Puzzle: The Wrath of Gruumsh

Background: You and your party have stumbled upon an ancient orcish temple hidden deep within a dense forest. The temple is filled with blood and skulls, a clear indication that it is sacred to the orcs. As you explore the temple, you come across a puzzle that you must solve in order to proceed. The … Read more

D&D Cypher and Code Puzzle: The Missing Heir

Background: The party is hired by a wealthy noble to find their missing son, who is the sole heir to the family fortune. The noble believes that their son has been kidnapped and is being held for ransom, and has received a ransom note with a series of cryptic messages written in a cypher. The … Read more

D&D Puzzles: The Bridge of Magic

Background: The party comes across a long, narrow bridge in the middle of a deep, dark forest. The bridge is made of ancient, weathered wood and appears to be magical, as it constantly shifts and changes in form and appearance. As the party approaches the bridge, they notice that it is guarded by a magical … Read more

D&D Puzzle: The Devil’s Deal

Background: The party comes across a mysterious figure in a dark, shadowy realm. The figure introduces themselves as a devil, and offers the party a deal: they can have any treasure or information they desire, but in exchange, the party must solve a series of challenges and puzzles set forth by the devil. The devil … Read more

D&D Puzzle: The Treant’s Seasons

Background: The party comes across an ancient, magical tree in the midst of a beautiful forest. The tree speaks to the party, presenting them with a puzzle. The tree explains that the puzzle is a test of the party’s logic and knowledge, and that only those who are truly worthy and clever enough can solve … Read more

Christmas D&D Puzzle: The Missing Presents

Background: It’s Christmas Eve, and Santa’s workshop is in chaos. One of Santa’s elves has gone missing, along with a bag of presents that were supposed to be delivered to good boys and girls all around the world. Without the missing presents, Santa won’t be able to deliver gifts on time and the joy of … Read more

Crushing Wall D&D Countdown Puzzle: The Cursed Tomb

Background: The party is exploring an ancient tomb filled with traps and puzzles. As they progress through the tomb, they come across a room with a crushing wall that is slowly descending from the ceiling. A voice start counting down as the party has only a few minutes to escape before the wall crushes them. … Read more

D&D Cave Puzzle: The Stalagmite Maze

Background: The party is exploring a treacherous cave filled with stalagmites and a river of sludge slowly runs between the stalagmites. As they navigate through the cave, they come across a section that is blocked by a series of stalagmites that form a maze-like path. The party must find a way through the stalagmite maze … Read more

D&D Vault Puzzle: The Cursed Treasure

Background: The party is searching for a legendary treasure that is said to be hidden in an ancient vault. They finally locate the vault and enter, only to find that it is filled with traps and puzzles that they must navigate in order to reach the treasure. The Puzzle: The party must use their skills, … Read more

D&D Sphinx Puzzle: A Future Riddle

Background: The party comes across a sphinx during their travels. The creature is sitting an the other side of a wall of force which blocks their path and communicates telepathically. It says if will lift the wall of force if players solve a riddle. The Puzzle: As the party approaches, the sphinx challenges them and … Read more